Being a Music Major

This video definitely went better than my previous video. The quality was much better because I used an actual camera and not my computer’s camera. Also, I was able to find a better room with good lighting. The only problem I had was with the audio.

The audio was tough because I didn’t have any separate audio equipment like a microphone. I had to rely on the microphone in the camera, which wasn’t too bad. I ended up boosting the audio because it was really quiet at times. The room had a bit of an echo to it as well, and for some reason there was an unexplained noise toward the end of the video.

The ability to go over 60 seconds was very nice during this peace. I didn’t have to feel too constrained in what I could and could not include. I decided it would be better to put my questions in words due to the audio. Also, I found I could compose a better shot of just someone answering questions than I could of me asking them as well.

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